Feature Request - Event for System Notifications

:joy: Can a hub that goes offline all the time be relied upon for that?

Edit: this reply was meant for @cwwilson08 aka FakeChuck

You might consider using NodeRed on a pi instead. I have become a recent advocate of this setup and use it to offload any problematic lan based apps I was previously using.

I also use it to notify me if many of my devices go offline including esp8266, NAS, and my HE hubs. I also use a variation of the performance monitor that is shared in another thread to see when my hub is on the verge of hanging. Fortunately since moving my problem app/driver functions over, I have not had a crash :crossed_fingers:. Been a couple of months now.

Yes. I love node red as well. It is like tasker for my pi. Ryan did make a good point though. If internet is down for whatever reason the pi can't send my notification.

I also plan on moving some things back to my pi. I strongly suspect echo speaks is causing a lot of my issues. It is a great app. Maybe just a bit too much going on. I am going to go back to my telnet driver on my pi to see if it fixes things up.

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Ahh..I thought you were trying to determine whether the hub crashed or not. Yeah...web disconnects won't be possible with NR.

Well this is the goal. It just would not be helpful if the notification can't be sent out. And I do not remember the last time my internet was actually out so a bit of an edge case I suppose.

Wow, my mind transposed the letters in that the first time I saw it :slight_smile:



A problem I’ve been faced with recently......[quote="Ryan780, post:17, topic:16239"]
Would that also happen if the phone was in airplane mode (since the phone is what's doing the checking)?
[/quote].... SWMBO has decided all mobile phone should be in Airplane mode during sleep time. Causing my “presence” rules problems.
I’m thinking I’ll have to get a fob for at least one of us and no longer rely on just the iPhones.

What flow are you using, or just the one where it checks the app page for time?

I use a modified version of that flow for performance monitoring. That flow was a jump off point for me. I have since adding a bunch more and tweaked it a bit for my own needs. For instance I don't use the main apps list page but use the Apps Code list page since it loads much faster in general. In my thinking, it is putting less load on the hub to render that page every 5 minutes.