Feature request - Add subfolders to rule machine

As time goes by and I get new ideas, I keep adding or starting draft rules to rule machine rule machine.

Its getting cluttered and id like to sort my rules by folders as some are seasonal, some are experimental than I haven't figured out fully yet and some can be bundled into topics for the home.

I understand that people are naming their rules to structure them but that seems like a band-aid for something that I feel could be easily rectified by the hubitat team.

Hoping someone can make the change in a future update.



2nd this. Would be great!

This may solve some of your issues, and the developer is very helpful.


That looks like a really nice option and I will give it a shot. I just wish it was baked into the factory gui so future updates don't leave me stranded.

I will definitely use it though in the interim as I have HPM already installed.


FWIW, I use prefixes to my Rule names to help me navigate the list.
i.e. M03 = motion, L12 = lighting #14 etc.


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