Fastest zigbee motion sensor?

I have a new love for Third Reality Motion Sensors they are just as quick as Aqara and more reliable.

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Need them to go on sale!

THREE AAA batteries? Must be kind of large? And with 3, how is the battery life still relatively short?

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It still quite small. It is nice to be able to replace it with easy to find/buy batteries. There are smaller options if the size is an issue. Also 3 AAA batteries last a long time; that matters.

I agree but their own page says 8-12 months? Which is shorter than MOST it seems…


Well, that's longer than the SmartThings 2015 motion sensor on a CR2032 battery; I used to regularly get about 5 months...until it just stopped working.

But my Iris v2 motion sensors get almost 2 years on a single CR2 battery. They are my favorite and I'm so sad they are no longer available.

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Iris v2 sad they aren't made any more. can get lucky once in a while and find v2 or (more likely) v3 on eBay. Just have to be very patient, persistent, and lucky. :slight_smile: I have never found anything that matches them, personally.

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I got lucky 2 years ago and bought 20 new ones for $5 each... I have spare stock NIB, and about 40 of them total.


Better keep your address top secret. :wink:

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Just chiming in as another vote for thirdreality. Cheap and reliable. Had a bunch installed over a year without issue. I use their contact sensors exclusively as well. I really haven't tried any other sensors though tbh. These were the first ones I tried when I got into hubitat and haven't had a reason to look into others.

I do not know why they say that but I get about 1.5 to 2 years on them. If they are outside in the cold they tend not to last as long.

By the way I only use Energizer batteries. For me they always last the longest and I have multiple customers to deal with.

If I need a battery motion sensor that last extremely long and it is a Lutron home, I use the Lutron motion sensor which last 10 years on a single battery. In some cases I can use the alarms motion sensor that is hard wired.

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Is this directly accessible now in HE? I thought I remembered that the motion sensors had to be tied to a light in the Lutron app? Maybe I'm just wrong...

Yeah, it doesn't report via telnet so Hubitat can't use it. If we ever get LEAP we would be able to use it.


RadioRA 2 versions report Telnet, so are available on Hubitat. If you want Caséta versions you can do it in Hubitat in a round about way via Home Assistant as HA has a LEAP based integration.


Do those RA 2 sensors communicate through the Pro 2 hub?

No, through a RadioRA 2 Main Repeater. Lutron locks devices to their respective product lines. The one significant exception is Picos which work across product lines.

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Which have been identified by the FDA as a gateway drug... :wink:


Nyce sensors but pricy

That is correct. This also limits what it can do. The only good thing about these motions is the battery life; I do not like them normally.