I'm using an alarm.com smart thermostat with a user driver, from here I think:
I'm having an issue automating the fan mode.
On the device page, there's a button for Fan Circulate/Auto/On. One button each. These all work. But when I do the 'Set Thermostat Fan Mode' with the drop down menu, I get this error in the logs:
org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack: No signature of method: user_driver_erocm123_Alarm_com_Smart_Thermostat_646.setThermostatFanMode() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [circulate] (method setThermostatFanMode)
That's the same error I get if I try and make rule machine Set Thermostat Fan Mode.
I've been trying to poke around the driver code but I don't really have experience with how this is all set up.
Thanks to aaiyar's reminder I did run that after changing the driver. Should I reboot or anything else? I had tried the generic ZWave and nothing seemed to work, but the ZWave plus mostly works - I can live with auto/on, but circulate would be a nice to have.
The plus driver reads all the capabilities advertised by the device.. If it supports a mode it will be listed.. It also supports every mode that is currently supported in the z-wave specs.