FairyNest (sp501e) led controller integration

Hi guys! Anyone has experience integrating these cloud devices with hubitat system? I imagine that is doable after I found drivers for MagicHome cloud led controllers here

Sp501e generally is a pretty good controller and I was hoping it is rather popular in community.

Any idea on how they communicate?

No idea :smiley: But I think in a very similar manner as MagicHome devices. They have FairyNest app, where you have to create an account first and then add your devices to control them. The only difference that I found between FN and MH is that MH saves animations and timings when device is unplugged while FN doesn't. Not sure why, but maybe MH saves that data on the cloud, and FN doesn't? No idea. Even though I am a web-coder I have very low understanding on how this hardware works.

I was hoping I could flash the controllers with some open-source supported software... and I found that it is possible, but only with soldering involved, which is not an option for me. At least not right now.

Here is a good article on how to flash it with soldering. You might squeeze out a bit more information about the controller itself from it.

And some more general info on the controller here.

From WLED wiki:

8285-based 1M Controller that supports both Addressable and PWM-based RGBWW LED strips . 5-24v DC input, 55mm x 26mm, sold under BTF lighting, RGBZone, etc. Vendors all list 'Fairynest' as the supporting mobile application. Board is silk screened with 'SP5XXe' but no other markings. RS232 pads are exposed on the back-side of the board with GND and GPIO0 right next to each other and thus Flash access fairly straight forward. GPIO 0 must be pulled to GND at boot and throughout the flashing process. I/O configuration: LEDPIN is 'GPIO03' for Addressable, BTNPIN is GPIO 1. PWM pin out for RGBWW (UNTESTED): CW: 14, WW: 12, B: 13, R: 02 and G: GPIO04. Flashed via PlatformIO, ESPHome and Tasmotizer. OTA updates untested. Pics of board here: SP501e-RGB-LED-Controller-/SP501e_top_bottom_traced.jpg at master · Operation760/SP501e-RGB-LED-Controller- · GitHub Flashing Connections: sp501e-flashing/sp501e flash.png at main · tonyn0/sp501e-flashing · GitHub

Got an Amazon link to your model?

(post edited as reply)
Sure, here you go:

American Amazon Link 16USD
European Amazon Link 9.5Eur

Ebay (US location) 10 USD
You could find it cheaper on asian markets on Ebay.

Sorry, not sure which continent you are interested in.
Pretty much SP501E is the search keyword here

Purchased one. If it runs off of raw socket, I’ll be able to write a driver in a couple weeks.

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Is there any hope, captain? Or should I try to search the market for other led controller solutions?

Haven’t had time to look yet :frowning: but, I will make time

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Doesn’t look like this one will work at first glance. Seems to be derived from SmartLife :frowning:

I had a feeling it might happen. Then there is no other way but flashing the thing. Too bad cannot be done without soldering, but I think I'll manage :slight_smile:

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A $10 MagicHome controller may be a better fit. I can send you the driver for the pixel controller version :slight_smile:

I have a couple of MagicHome controllers as well. Can't say I like them too much. They are better than nothing, but comparing to sp501e they feel a bit underpowered.

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