Failed Nodes After Adding New Devices

I've had a C5 in the past. Switched to a C7 in November. Re-did everything (about 60 devices).

Have had numerous problems with failed nodes during REPAIR. Emailed support, did a soft reset, reset ZWave, excluded and re-included, etc. Started getting Error 500 periodically too.

Yesterday, I reset the ZWave Radio again and started over. Added 15 of the devices on the first floor from closest to hub outward including 5 repeaters spread out throughout the house on three floors. Repaired and let everything settle overnight -- no rules and no automations. Everything worked great manually. This morning, I shutdown the Hub and moved it to the basement to add 6 devices there and upon repair, every device fails now.

If I EXCLUDE all the items I added this morning and just let things settle down should that make everything work again?

Should I perform a SOFT RESET?

OR ??

Why run a full repair? My understanding is that it is no longer recommended with the C-7. Single Node repairs yes.. If you moved the hub then ran a repair I can totally imagine big issues happening especially if the original devices are out of range. Why not just pair what you needed then move it back?

Am I missing something?

Edit: Did you try and move the hub back to where it was originally? (and maybe shutdown/pull power/restart)

Thanks for your help.

Precisely, I added the new devices and then shut Hub down & moved it back to the original location. I always Shut the Hub down before removing power.

I have done single node repairs in the past, but assumed that after adding six devices I would repair everything.

As with everything related to Home Automation I think it's complicated :wink:.

Do you have a USB Stick? You might consider getting one - maybe the Z-Stick+ or UZB-7.

These will pair as secondary controllers which means they can access the Z-Wave database and you can do things like remove devices and update firmware etc. The Z-Stick+ is nice because it has an internal battery and you can walk around and exclude things.

Again, thank you for the help. I have read and researched more about repair and have learned it probably isn't necessary with ZWave + because of the self-healing. After it just being up and running for a while, it does seem to be working better.

I will get a stick. It's something I've been meaning to get, but just haven't yet.

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was your problem fixed? i got highly unresponsive network as well, i did some tests while adding devices and all worked good then later it stats responding very bad , i enabled logs for all devices and can' seem to find any device spamming or anything.
I did had to move the hub few times in the process but it' very strange, even devices near the hub respond slowly .
I can' really understand what is going on, i disabled most apps, if i remember i tested few things in the hub last location too and it worked then suddenly hours later everything went unresponsive .
what could cause such scenario?