Factory reset hub

Yikes - I pretty much use AM6's for all my motion detecting needs along with a few old ST sprinkled in for good measure. I really like that I can power them via USB instead of a battery.

Was it a defective unit? I am using the custom driver rather than HE's driver. Things seem to be working for me.. {fingers crossed}

I did have a very similar issue to @mike and the cause was definitely WebCoRE. I was able to recover by booting up w/o the stick (am in US) and removing WC.

Yes, webcore is gone. It may have been webcore but who knows.

I would have to say my slowdown was definitely WebCoRE. It's the only thing I removed + added some RuleMachine rules as replacements. Everything else has pretty much stayed the same including custom drivers and apps. Things are working properly now.

I really like WC but even when things were working there was a (tiny) bit of a lag in the devices relative to RM like with motion sensor triggering etc. Ah well hope this gets sorted out in the future.