External contact status

Is there a new dashboard in the works?

I'm not sure how your subject relates to your message. No, staff have not hinted that they are working on any major changes to Hubitat Dashboard, but the also don't generally reveal future plans. Are you responding to anything in particular?


I wish there were... :rofl:

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And they might be.. The staff donโ€™t normally comment on upcoming projects..

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But out of curiosity.. What are yโ€™all wanting out of dashboard that you canโ€™t do now?

First, I'd like it to work properly as-is. That means for all tiles to update properly without a browser refresh, for the dashboard to update properly without a browser refresh when the browser/tab comes out of hibernation, for the top menu and a section of the top row of tiles to not dissappear on my browser when I do refresh the page. Chrome on Android Samsung Galaxy S8+. All reported on here or to support by myself &/or others and no fixes yet.

After addressing the basics, we can talk about the long list of improvements many of us would like to see.

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