Expression [MethodCallExpression] is not allowed: javax.crypto.Mac.getInstance(HmacSHA256)

Consistent with the above interchange, I just tried porting the ST Neato DTH over to HE. After removing the simulator section and all the tile sections, I get the following error. I'm a bit over my head, though I attempted (feebly?) to follow the porting instructions here. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

No signature of method: Script1.mappings() is applicable for argument types: (Script1$_run_closure2) values: [Script1$_run_closure2@1e20859] Possible solutions: main(java.lang.String), main(java.util.List), main([Ljava.lang.String;)

I am interested in this for the GoGoGate 2 pygogogate -> groovy implementation I would like to do. The pygogogate requries AES to talk to the GoGoGate2 and supports enumeration of children etc. that the current Hubitat implementations don't support.

You can try changing the algorithm. Devices and apps support child devices in Hubitat, you should be able to enumerate and create/update children.

Beyond my ken Iā€™m afraid.

Just tried it again for my driver that needed AES-128 - worked great! Now I no longer need my RPi doing the encryption/decryption :grinning:

Thanks @dman2306 and @chuck.schwer!