Expected Mode Change did not happen

In "actions" in the 3rd ELSE-IF the mode is not changed back to NormalMode

i.e. Mode: NormalMode seems to not be executing.

I suspect the trigger being 2:01, by the time the rule gets to the above mentioned command, the time is 2:02 or similar.

Does this make sense? Is there an easy way to preclude this issue? My initial thought is to add a wait somewhere and change the else-if time to something later. However I have a gut feeling I'm relying too much on the specific times and there is likely a better approach.

Any thoughts?

Is the RE NOT Time between 01:01 and 11:01 preventing the rule from triggering at 2:01?

I have found that separating rules into several smaller ones often works better and is easier to debug than having a single rule with multiple triggers and conditional actions.

My recommendation would be to give that a try and see if it works. You could simply create 4 clones of the rule, and remove all but one trigger and keep the relate action to see if it helps. Then the original rule could be paused/stopped/disabled to ensure that it doesn’t interfere with or duplicate the commands of the 4 others.

If you need the rule to remain as-is, then I would recommend that you turn on logging and see if this revealed why the issue is being encountered. Posting the log could also help us help you. :slight_smile:


It would be useful to link the rules on each other so we can see in one look they ate together....

KISS and logs...

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