Event log sorting by value?

I could be imagining this, but I think I used to be able to sort the event log by value.
In the 2.3.6 version, the only sorting seems to be by the name or date/time fields.

How can I sort by value?
Alternately, how can I find the highest value?

Use case - I have a humidity sensor at the ridge of my attic. I check it periodically to ensure there are no extended periods of humidity over 60%. If that were to happen I would need to invest in a system to reduce attic humidity. Various variables indoors and outdoors drive the attic humidity. Recently an event occurred that has me wondering if that impacted the max recent attic humidity. Is the only way to check for the peak humidity manually scrolling through the log?

Will the sorting by value ever return?

Some ideas:

  • InfluxDB Logger app + free tier cloud InfluxDB + Grafana (30 day retention) would be a great choice for this sort of use-case, There are many threads on the forums discussing their use. You could even track multiple sensors over the same timeline to investigate what correlates with high humidity. The learning curve can be a little steep if you are unfamiliar with those tools, however.
  • It would be fairly straightforward to use Rule Machine to track (and log) values over 60, maximum value (e.g. using a hub variable), over 60 and "stays that way" for X hours, etc. Even get notifications.

Sifting through the device event log will get tedious no matter the sorting options IMO