Event Engine Issue?

Set up a cog that runs when a virtual switch and a global variable are both on/true
Cog tries to set the global variable to false.
This apparently does not work. If I do the same thing with a virtual switch instead of the global variable, it works as intended. Bug? Feature? Unexplained extraterrestrial manipulation of the ether? Inquiring minds want to know....

Please follow the instructions in the first post of the Event Engine thread when reporting problems. :wink:


Humblest apologies for not being able to find an appropriate place to post this. I would happily follow the instructions in the first post of the Event Engine thread if I could actually find either that thread or the post. Please enlighten this ignorant peon as to where I might find such information without stumbling blindly through the entire community website.

Just search 'Event Engine' and it will show up.
