Eva Logik ZW97 reports as off

I sent an email to the Eva Logik support but thought I'd throw this out here as well.

I have an Eva Logik ZW97 dual receptacle. The left receptacle is controllable, the right receptacle is always on.

The problem I'm having is that Hubitat and consequently any app I use, is always reporting the current state as off even when it's powered on. If I manually refresh, or switch the device on/off it will update and show the correct current state.

I saw some other topics on the ZW97 from last year and some people recommended changing it to the Zooz driver, which I did, but got the same results.

I'm curious if anyone has any suggestions or things I could look into to get this to work. I don't do anything with the current state, so it's more of an annoyance and all of my rules work, but it sure would be nice to have the device show the correct state in Hubitat and ActionTiles which I use.

Here's a screenshot of my device if that helps at all.

Thank you.

In the device details are links to your two child devices. The parent device commands are tied to the left child device. See if you can control the other side from the right child device. A single tap on the physical button toggles the left side and double tap the right.

I noticed that you joined with S2 security. I had joined mine without security. If you continue to have problems, you could always exclude, factory reset the ZW97 then rejoin without security to see if there is an issue related to that. Mine has always been rock solid on my mesh. Here are the details for mine without security.

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I took your advice and excluded, factory reset and included without security and that seemed to do the trick. It now correctly shows the current state in devices and my apps. Thank you very much!

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You're welcome, I'm glad it is working.

Also, welcome to the community!