ESPHome + Hubitat

I don't believe there are any breaking changes so should be fine as long as you do not enable encryption.

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Would it be possible to modify the driver to work with TemperBridge (a bridge to some Tempupedic beds)? The interference looks very similar to the Upsy Desky. Found the YAML file here TemperBridge GitHub

Has anyone else had a problem with the template switch not in sync on webui in Esphome? This seems to have happened all the sudden.

When I switch on a 'light switch' the state changes to ON, but the web page for the device's 'Actions' column does not update. This is represented as a slider (on/off). The opposite is also true, if I engage the switch by moving the slider to ON state, the state column shows ON, as well as the Hubitat device, but the slider immediately changes to OFF.

If the page is refreshed, then the slider shows the correct state. But another cycle and the switch is in the wrong state until page is refreshed.

So, this is very strange, out of the blue this morning, the problem stopped. It was going on for a week on multiple computers and my mobile. The Hubitat has not been restarted during the problem duration. It simply just works as expected now.

Is it possible to use this integration for a P1 meter? I am using the one from Marcel Zuidwijk.
Note: it's working fine with HomeAssistant, but I am migrating to Hubitat.

It may not be the most typical device to include in Hubitat, but I have a P1 reader using ESPHome. A YAML file is available at
Based on your drivers, I'll try to develop a solution :slight_smile: Please notice I am a complete newbie. I see entries like this in your code: input name: 'temperature'. I assume that these entries match the labels available in the reader?

In binary_sensor:
is it possible to introduce 2 or 3 device_class:?
example device_class:moisture and device_class:motion and device_class:motion.
in the driver for Hubitat if yes you want an example. THANKS

Hi @jonathanb !

Is it possible to use the R503 fingerprint sensor with this driver?



Demo video (in portuguese) - Part 1

Demo video (in portuguese) - Part 2


@jonathanb I added a RGB led strip to Hubitat/Esphome via the ESPHome-Light-RGBCT driver and it's working fine. The only strange behavior is the Hubitat is resetting the wifi connection every 2 hours (to the second).

Staircase Lights is offline: send error: Connection reset

It reconnects in 3 secs and goes along as expected until the next 2 hr interval. The yaml config is pretty much vanilla setup. The connection reset does not effect the ESP device connected. It never resets. The only wifi customization is 'power_save_mode: none' and I've upgraded ESPhome to version '2023.10.6'

Also, would there be anyway to add component switches to the RGB driver so that Hubitat can control the LED strip and some switches all in one device? At present to control the switch via Hubitat I'm using webcore to send post to rest api using $currentEventvalue from a virtual switch. It works fine as these switches are only controlling options in the device, not realtime dependent.


@jonathanb, Nice work on this app and driver! is there any way to add the stop function to the garage. The RATGDO you can stop the door but it does not show up on the driver on the Hubitat side. it is on the HA side as an entity. Wold also be great if it would be usable on the dashboard.

@sky320, how well is the RATGDO working on ESPHome for you? I had one on back-order and it has just shipped. I will need to decide if I set it up with MQTT or ESPHome, so I will be looking to see how each of these options worked for others

It seems like @jonathanb hasn’t been on the community for several months now, so hopefully someone else with experience on ESPHome or writing drivers can pipe in with a solution.

I tried for over two weeks on MQTT and it will connect then lose connection to the door (still connected to mqtt and wifi). I ended up switching to esphome and it has been solid for 3 days now.


That’s good to know - Thanks!

Also, the stop function is not exposed in the hubitat side

Yea, I wonder if this might not just something to add to the Hubitat driver? Hopefully, someone who knows more about driver development can chime into that one

I got mine, flashed it with ESPHome, and it works fine with this integration and also works fine with HADB from Home Assistant. I haven’t decided which route to go (HADB or Hubitat ESPHome).

At this point, I can’t see a reason to use MQTT, which would require spinning up an MQTT server. Yes, I have an underutilized Raspberry Pi that just runs Echo Speaks cookie auth server, but I don’t see a reason to use MQTT.

MyQ Lite is history. Was fine while it worked.

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Thanks! Any functionality that is only available using MQTT, or both the same?

I’m leaning towards ESPHome at this point

My unit is on its way - really looking forward to receiving it! :blush:

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Here is the feature matrix. For me, with Security + 2.0, I can’t see a reason not to use ESPHome firmware.

Major reason I can see to use MQTT would seem to be able to use NodeRED, which I don’t use.

A FYI that may not affect you, because you are young and don’t have oldtimer issues, the only head scratcher I encountered was, when doing the flashing, the instructions merely said to select your board, which I did (the 2.5i version). I waited, and waited, and waited, and nothing happened. Only after scrolling WAY down the page, past the multitude of versions of the board, did I see a green button labeled “Connect”. Hitting that button caused everything to go smoothly from then on. Big face-palm moment there. Perhaps the instructions should say to select your board, then hit the Connect button.

Note that Chrome browser has to be used to flash. Safari doesn’t work - found that out the hard way.

This is great, thanks! Now I just can’t wait to receive my unit!

I have used both and ESPHome is what works consistently and without issue for me.