I know there is Hubduino as I'm using that for my esp/servo motor blind setup and it works well.
I'm now looking at installing some led strip lights that are controlled by an esp8266. I ordered ws2812b because I wanted individually addressable LEDs.
Anyone suggest any easy way to control either basic on and off for the lights or even better brightness/colour?
I believe I can create a web server on the esp8266 and then using http posts to change variables on the esp8266 that then trigger the strip lights to go on.. Sending individual red/green/blue values I'm not sure but feel that is possible.
Then there is utilising hubduino and modifying one of those sketches to suit. Possibly using the rbg one and looking and using the serial commands to work out how to intercept how the rbg values are sent for hubduino and that with the example sketch in arduino ide for the adafruit neopixel script.
Any suggestions for basic integration? I'd prefer simple even if that means basic operation, rather than complicated and advanced.
For an integration that works, albeit with limited number of effect patterns, you can use Tasmota:
For more effects there is also the WLED firmware, that firmware can have some issues staying online, but as long as the device is used regularly that should not be an issue.I believe there is a community driver for WLED as well, I have however not used it so can't say what it supports.
Well I started to go the path of tasmota using your efforts.. and I have previosly gone this path with a sonoff r3.. However I am very lost now with a wemos d1 mini.
I have installed the tasmota device manager. I have then installed the generic parent driver. tasmota device manager finds the device on manual adding. But now I am lost how to make a child device be detected hat will make the wemos mini work as an addressable LED controller. All I have is the parent device. UNder the device page (its IP in a browser) I have set the device to generic. I can't see what to choose as a device that wil make it appear as a addressable rgb controller.
Yes I have lots of reading to do but new to tasmota so quite lost now.
Seems if I choose the device as "esp switch" in the web server (its IP address in a web browser) then the child devices get created.
I suspect this isn't the most ideal place to ask, but a link or a simple answer of how to get a child device (or multiple) to allow the wemos d1 mini to control addressable ws2812b would be very helpful as I am quite stuck now with my very limited knowledge.
If you set the pin to which you connected your WS2812 data line to in the Configuration -> Configure Template as a WS2812 pin, then make sure no other pins are set to something they are not (in general, leave them as None) then save and check that you get color controls in the "web server" of the ESP device. If you did and these work, just press Refresh in the Parent device and you should get the Child devices you need. If you need/want extra features, install and use "Tasmota - Universal CT/RGB/RGB+CW+WW (Child)" as the Child device driver.
Hmmm I looked through the list but didn't see WS2812... Looked again after your message and there it is. Thanks it seems to show the child device now. I just have to wait for the led strips to come this week to test.
Thanks for your help and suggestions. Your tasmota firmware and these rbg drivers seem to have great potential. Limited patterns, but more than I need as initially this is just for ambient lighting with the option of moving them to another space if I decide and using effects
Is there any way to create custom patterns? I don't have any immediate need, just curious for xmas time
There's a Christmas pattern. It is possible to create additional patterns using Tasmota Rules, but that is rather complex. You can send arbitrary commands to the Tasmota device from the Parent device using RM, see the full documentation for Tasmota for all available commands. There is a lot. Rules in particular are very flexible.