ESP32-C6-DEVKIT-1 help!

I am looking for some help. I have been a dev on and off for a long time and used multiple languages during my career. But I have never really used C but have "hacked" some old code and made it work years ago.

I am now trying to get an ESP32-C6-DEVKIT-1 to behave as a Zigbee bulb. That is I want it to sit out there like a bulb and expose and on/off capability to my Hubitat C7

I have been trying to crack this for a long time now and have searched high and low for any example code that works to enable the ESP32-C6 to appear as a bulb and join the network my hubitat is offering.

Does anyone have any example code that works and enables the ESP32-C6 to appear as a bulb and join the hubitat ZigBee network?

Would anyone share some working code?

I am happy once I can see an example that I can then educate myself on how it is working and build out what I want to do.

Sorry if this seems lazy but it's not, there is a big hole in my knowledge.

Thanks in advance for any help offered.

That is going to be a great board once support is fully completed for arduino. Unfortunately, the C6 is bleeding edge and is not supported by arduino yet. It is however functional-ish for ESPHome, so that is where I would go if I were you. There is a route to get a functioning zigbee device: ESPHome —> Home Assistant —> Hubitat via HADB (I’m doing this for a different ESP32 board).

There is work underway to skip the Home Assistant step and bring ESPHome devices into Hubitat directly, but I don’t have any experience with it.


Edit: There is also a thread about zigbee and ESP32 HERE

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Thanks for this.
I must be very naive I hoped there would be a simple example to follow.

I realise I have set myself a high task learning c and esp32 etc might be time for me to scrap it and find another dev board that has some working examples. Shame but wasting too much time getting anything working with this board.
Thanks again

check here:

Thanks for your comments.
I have not been able to even "see" the esp32-c6 on the hub at all.
It's annoying that they announced this chip in 2021 and there still doesn't seem to be any solid Zigbee examples.
If only they had taken their light and switch examples and expanded them to show forming the network and the bulb connecting to it. That is what I would have done.
In reality what we have is proof of concept and no real examples to help hobbyists along, which is where they are aiming this dev board.
Hey ho guess I will have to find another device.

please let me know if you find another board. But I think there's no other "good" alternative.

Will do there's nothing at that low a price but at about thirty pounds there are some candidates.
Just looking for one with a more mature dev setup.

So some progress.
I switched to using this example GitHub - username-AL/ESP32H2-ZigbeeCCT
Now on the hubitat i get the following log entries when triggering pairing.
sys:12024-04-18 11:43:09.292 AMinfoZigbee Discovery Stopped
sys:12024-04-18 11:42:51.907 AMinfoInitializing Zigbee Device 404CCAFFFE51358C, D1C5
sys:12024-04-18 11:42:50.246 AMinfoZigbee Discovery Running
sys:12024-04-18 11:42:50.162 AMinfoZigbee Discovery Stopped
dev:12024-04-18 11:41:43.971 AMinfoMotion One is active
dev:12024-04-18 11:41:38.214 AMinfoMotion One is inactive
sys:12024-04-18 11:41:33.576 AMinfoInitializing Zigbee Device 404CCAFFFE51358C, 6114
sys:12024-04-18 11:41:30.061 AMinfoZigbee Discovery Running

At the board end I see...
I (1934301) CCT: ZDO signal: ZDO Leave (0x3), status: ESP_OK
I (1934301) CCT: Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL)
I (1937561) CCT: Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL)
I (1941401) CCT: ZDO signal: ZDO Leave (0x3), status: ESP_OK

So I know at least have a hub communicating with the board. Just need to get the initializing stuff sorted.

good to see other examples. Did you try the example from other thread that I pointed ?
Its joining sequence works for me , but I only tried Arduino version.

Ok I have something that "works" but only about 25% of the time pairing-wise.
Sometimes it pairs easy, sometimes not at all.
The reset button sometimes triggers it, sometimes you have to yank the J5 jumper and put back on.
To me it feels like something is getting stored and not flushed out either at the hub or card end.
Learnt a lot though and will eventually get there.
Once you can get it joined works well and is stable, just need to figure out what triggers that.

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