I am creating a maintenance schedule for a lava lamp that repeats turn it on and off every 2 hours for 12 hours every x number of days that uses a counter to count the maintenance days. This part is fine.
I am looking to escape/skip the repeat maintenance cycle if the switched outlet is physically turned off while the repeating command is in progress. I see the option to "wait for condition", but it looks like it will hold up all the rules until that condition is true.
Is there some sort of option/command to skip the repeat if an event happens while the repeat is in progress?
A wait will be canceled if a rule is re-triggered. Unless you turn on the option to not trigger while running. Also it should be Wait for expression not condition. Wait for condition was the old RM verbage. Changed with 5.1, I think, not sure about that.
With a wait for expression you can also add a timeout. So it will only wait so long.
Would probably be better if you posted a screen shot of your rule.
Would probably be better if you posted a screen shot of your rule.
I am not sure where to stick the "Wait for Expression" line without having to hold up the whole rule. There's a separate rule that fires when the counter is < 50 for the daily schedule.
Wait for condition was the old RM verbage.
I was using Hubitat for the last 4 years so some RM things are still stuck with me. I feel like the old guy that keeps calling a business by its name from 40 years ago.
That would probably work; though, you are dealing with a nested If statement which sometimes can cause unintended consequences. Personally, I would just create a second rule:
As long as you can separate the outlet turning off versus Hubitat turning off the lamp, the above would stop your repeating cycle and reset the counter so that the original rule could run the next day.