Error since new update

With the latest release I am getting error when going to different app and trying to modify them.
App/ basic rules / name of the rule

Unexpected Error
An unexpected error has occurred trying to load the app. Check Logs for more information.
Error: The JSON input text should neither be null nor empty.

Log is
138errorjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The JSON input text should neither be null nor empty. on line 1203 (method mainPage)

Really hard to say without more information. Any idea what kind of devices are in use by the rule? Since you can't get into the regular UI, try the App Status (gear icon) page, and you'll at least see what devices you've selected (and some other internal app data that is unlikely to be meaningful to most besides the developer). Anything you remember about what the rule actually did may also be helpful.

If there are thermostats, your device or driver may need fixing/updating. That is a random guess but one possibility based on the limited information -- but seems similar to things that have happened before.

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I'd second @bertabcd1234 's recommendation for more information from the App Settings page. BTW the gear icon he mentioned in available on the Apps page:

I'd also add a random guess... Are you perhaps making some kind of HTTP call in the rule that is expecting some JSON text from, say, a Hub Variable?

I get this in settings

When Bureau senseur activates, dim Bureau, Bureau table to 60Built In App


Name Type Value

action1 enum Set brightness
action3 enum Control thermostats
action4 enum Wait Until
action5 enum Turn off
device1 capability.switchLevel [ Bureau,Bureau table ]
device3 capability.thermostat [Thermostat bureau ]
device5 capability.switch [ Bureau,Bureau table ]
level1 number 60
motion capability.motionSensor [ Bureau senseur ]
motion4 capability.motionSensor [ Bureau senseur ]
period4 number 5
showHelp bool false
trigCapab enum Motion Sensor
trigCapab4 enum Motion Sensor
trigger enum Motion is active
trigger4 enum Motion has stopped and stayed inactive …
wait4 text Bureau senseur motion stops and stays inactive for 5 minutes
Event Subscriptions

Source Event Handler Filter

Bureau senseur basicHandler true
Application State

Name Type Value

act String Set brightness
actionList ArrayList [1, 3, 4, 5]
actLabel String When Bureau senseur activates ... Dim [Bureau, Bureau table] to 60 Wait until Bureau senseur motion stops and stays inactive for 5 minutes, then ... Turn off [Bureau, Bureau table]
actNo Integer 6
appName String When Bureau senseur activates, dim Bureau, Bureau table to 60
complete String [Bureau, Bureau table]60motion stops and stays inactive for 5 minutesBureau senseur[Bureau, Bureau table]
deleted ArrayList [2, 6]
disabled Boolean false
dur Integer 300
first Integer 1
hasIllum Boolean true
hasSwitch Boolean true
installed Boolean true
lastEvtDate String dd-MMM-yyyy
lastEvtDevice String Bureau senseur
lastEvtTime String HH:mm
lastEvtValue String stayed inactive
levelUpdated Boolean true
n String 4
name String When Bureau senseur activates
orWaits ArrayList []
pending HashMap {}
period Integer 5
refreshed Boolean true
resume Integer 3
thermUpdated Boolean true
trigCapab String Motion Sensor
trigCapab4 String Motion Sensor
waiting Boolean false
waits ArrayList [4]
waitTable HashMap {}

I have noticed that it is in the basic rule AND every time I had a thermostat action.
After that I can’t modify it And can’t delete it
It was working before.

If i do a rule machine with the same steps it seem to work.


Yes, look at the device detail page for your thermostat device, particularly the "Current States" section in the top right. What are the values for supportedThermostatModes and supportedThermostatFanModes? I'm guessing they are malformed JSON. To fix, you can try something like this with whichever attribute (or both) is in the wrong format (substituting the appropriate values for your device if they are different):

Depending on the driver you're using, a "Save Preferences" or "Configure" might also do this for you. If it's a community driver, the author may need to update it, but the above should work around the issue in any case.

It is actually all there
It as no fan it is StelPro baseboard thermostat
On the link you are referring i have NO setSupportedThermostatModes in the device

Current States

  • heatingSetpoint : 21
  • temperature : 16.5
  • thermostatMode : heat
  • thermostatOperatingState : idle
  • thermostatSetpoint : 21

This is a problem if you are trying to set the thermostat mode in your rule. What driver is this using? But this still stands:

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