[ERROR] Missing Atributes: alarm

I just created my first easy dashboard. The tiles for my two WLED lights are red with a sadface icon. Clicking the 3 dots shows the above error in a popup. My other devices are fine.

Wanted to log this but I don't need a fix.

What driver are you using for this device?

The joyfulhouse driver.

Can you provide a link?

[NOTE: The OP provided the code in a PM, and I'm restating this response here to continue the discussion and because there is likely other interest.]


For some reason, there's this line in the driver:

capability "Alarm"

I am not sure why they are using that. A quick search doesn't show the required attribute being specified, and that is what Dashboard is complaining about. The driver does implement the strobe() and siren() (and sort of the both()) commands, which may be why.

Ideally, the driver author would update the code to match the capability requirements. Then, Dashboard would stop showing this error. But it's third-party code, and no one can make anyone do anything. :smiley: If the author is still around, most are receptive to constructive ideas.

In the meantime, you might be able to change the dashboard tile type (not sure if the error prevents you from doing so; an "alarm" and LED strip is a pretty unusual combination, so I'm not sure what options it offers either way).

But if not, you can also make minor modifications to the driver code yourself. If you don't use the siren and strobe commands, just remove or comment out the capability "Alarm" line above. If you do, there's a couple lines or so you could add to make this compliant with the capability, but an easy way to keep the commands without the full capability, making Dashboard happy, would be to replace that line with something like these two instead:

command "strobe"
command "siren"


Got it, thanks. The driver is 2019, tho it might have been updated since then. I'll play a bit with it and post back here.