Error message, Hub load is severe

I just purchased a Hubitat Elevation C7 Hub 5/28/2022 and I get this error message quite often. I only have a few Z-Wave devices, like 5. I have some notifications set up. One for when my front door is unlocked/locked. I have a 4-in-1 motion sensor/Temp and humidity. I have a notification set for when motion is detected. I also have another Temp/humidity sensor. I guess I have something set up wrong. I use the Maker API for an Android App widget to display the temps. The Maker API is always at the top of the list. I have a couple of screen shots but I can't upload them in this topic.

@support_team - can you give @mrtep permission to post pictures?

If you didn't do so already, please be sure to open a warranty claim. It sounds like you may be dealing with a hardware malfunction.

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OK. I will start the claim. Thank you for your quick response!

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OK a couple of issues filing a claim. I bought it from Amazon and the return window has closed. Amazon doesn't show up as a retailer. How do I proceed?

@mrtep, can you PM me your hub's id? I'd like to take a look at the engineering logs.

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Yes. Thanks!

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I did a warranty claim. I did not put a reason since none of the choices were appropriate. They need an "Other" reason so you can explain. I also put my Amazon order number in the space for the order number.