Error in Ecobee Integration

I started getting the below errors on my parents' hub a few hours ago. A hub reboot hasn't resolved it. The "protocol version" message makes me think Ecobee may have changed something on their end.

Anyone else having the same issue?

[error] Received fatal alert: protocol_version on line 1414 (method poll)

Unhandled exception Received fatal alert: protocol_version in ecobee polling pollAttempt:1, isThermostatPolled:false, isSwitchesPolled:true

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I don't have those exact errors since I am using Ecobee Suite Manager and lost control of my thermostat. I show the API connected but I haven't received an update from the service since about 3:56 PM Central Time and none of my commands pushed to the service succeed. Here is what I got when attempting to change temperature from the Hubitat.

app:7252023-12-01 05:57:03.503 Received fatal alert: protocol_version on line 4437 (method rebooted)
app:7252023-12-01 05:52:59.209 PMdebugaccessToken: 019c0a69-7ab7-4601-a062-2c131e772a28, 019c0a69-7ab7-4601-a062-2c131e772a28
app:7252023-12-01 05:42:59.530 PMtracequeueSize: 2, failedCallQueue: [0:[args:[70.0, 76, 310126052952, holdHours, 2], numArgs:5, routine:setHold, done:false, DNI:ecobee_suite-thermostat-725.310126052952], 1:[args:[72.0, 76, 310126052952, holdHours, 2], numArgs:5, routine:setHold, done:false, DNI:ecobee_suite-thermostat-725.310126052952]]
app:7252023-12-01 05:32:47.027 PMtracequeueSize: 1, failedCallQueue: [0:[args:[70.0, 76, 310126052952, holdHours, 2], numArgs:5, routine:setHold, done:false, DNI:ecobee_suite-thermostat-725.310126052952]]
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Seeing the same thing here with my pair of Ecobee Thermostats. Tagging @support_team from Hubitat to make sure they are aware. Hopefully it is just a temporary issue on Ecobee’s end. Their cloud has been very stable lately, but that has not always been the case.


It doesn't appear that an outage is wide spread, as they have not posted anything on their status page. That doesn't mean there aren't isolated API problems. Will keep an eye on it. Ecobee users may want to consider subscribing to their status page:


Some have said the C8 has no issues but the C7 is experiencing issues. Speculation that ecobee upgraded TLS to 1.3 and the Java version of the C7 doesn’t support it.

I am having an issue with ecobee thermostat suite, last communication was around 4:30p est
When I try to pick my thermostat within ecobee suite it give me a fatal unexpected error.

Hubitat C7 user here. Ecobee is not updating on my Hubitat. Looks like it stopped updating around 1:45 pm PST. I'm seeing the same errors as Alan_F.

I got a warning from my rule that monitors the connection around 6:00PM EST saying there was a warning with API connection. I just checked and I can't control my Ecobee remotely.

Seems to be back up now


My last error was just after 2300 EST.

Can anyone confirm whether C8's were unaffected? I wonder if Ecobee turned on TLS 1.3 and then turned it back off.

Same here. Last error logged 2300 EST on my C7. First error logged at 1700 EST.

Same here as well, on my C7.

Same error on my C4, but stopped around 23:05

I can confirm that my C-7 + Ecobee is back online as of sometime the evening of 12/1, as well.

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