Error in Button Control

I'm just trying to edit the button controller for my Eria device.
Screenshot of button control:

I then selected the first action, and did a left click:

The following is the error from the logs:

Also, I tried to add actions for the "held" activity. So I get the following screen:

There is no place to add an action!

Does anyone have any ideas why the button controller doesn't work?

Which firmware is your hub at and which browser are you using? Mines working as expected, I'm currently at firmware and using iOS Chrome browser.

Same firmware level. Using Windows 10 Chrome Browser.
Even more strange - I tried to create a new Button Controller - no issues.

I guess I'll just delete this old one, and make up a new one.
Chalk it up to some sort of database corruption, and hope it doesn't re-appear.

Well it looks like the button controller is v 3.0 now so it's possible your button rule was originally created on v 1.0 or something and there is a bug between the two?

When I click on it, it says V3.0.

Well, it's a good thing that it doesn't take much to re-create it!

I would suggest that you use Rule Machine instead of Button Controller 3.0.

In a new rule, select 'Button device' as the trigger event, and it will bring up the same UI you have for Button Controller, but with more options. Also, Button Controller 3.0 is due for retirement, so bug fixes will be happening in the RM version of it. Old Button Controller instances will continue to work indefinitely.

Will Button Controller 3.0 be going at the same release as RM 3.0?

(P.S. I will miss it... and RM 3.0)

Yes, next release. BC 3.0 is obsolete. You can continue to use RM 3.0 as long as you want. See this post: Pending Retirement of Rule 3.0

Not a big deal, but RM 4.0 puts in an extra "+" which I didn't enter:

In summary it wasn't a big deal to convert over to RM 4.0 from Button Controller. Conceptually having a separate Button Controller may be more simplistic, but obviously RM 4.0 is way more flexible and powerful.

Question: In the following screenshot, isn't it more intuitive the put the action AFTER the condition on the screen? (instead of the way it is, before)? This is just a question, I'm not suggesting it as a change.

What condition? The Manage or Create Conditions at the bottom is a helper section. The text above "Select Action Type to add" is the list of the actions that have been created.

I will look into the ++.

The only way I get ++ is if I put a plus in front of the number. It doesn't need that plus.


Here it is without the extra +


Irrespective, I will fix it so it doesn't display ++.