Error creating button controller actions

So, I still need to see the top portion of Application State for Button 2.

Above you said that the logs clearly showed it doing the actions of the other buttons, but it doesn't show that at all. What it shows are the actions of one rule (which one?), and some devices responding evidently to a Scene being toggled. There is something else going on with these Scenes. All I can tell is what the rule says it did, not the consequences of it doing that. This is the only portion of what you posted that refers to the app:

That's incomplete, as it doesn't show the initial toggle. There's nothing there about those other devices that logged around then, so whatever caused them to do something is not directly the rule -- but you claim that it is. It might be the Scene, I don't know, there's nothing from the rule logs about any other Scenes or devices.

You have a complex situation here, and it is beyond my ability to diagnose what is going on from afar.

The issue does appear to be clipboard related. I presume you could replicate it as well.

  1. Create 2 button device.
  2. Create Button actions with conditions on button 1.
  3. Copy all of those actions to the clipboard in the button rule.
  4. Paste those actions to button 2.
  5. edit those actions to be specific to button 2.
  6. Run button 1 actions and see button 1 actions AND button 2 actions run at the same time.
  7. Run button 2 actions and see nothing happen.

You have yet to demonstrate this with logs.

I have copied lots of actions, and never seen what you are describing. Not saying that it's not happening, just that you need to show some direct evidence of it happening.

Do you have logging turned on in button 2 rule?

OK, I found a bug with this. It appears that it is over-writing the the trigger for the copied into button rule.


I do have button 2 doubletapped action logging turned on, as seen here...

here is what was logged when button 2 was doubletapped.

of note, i do not have action logging turned on for button 3 doubletapped

however, the logging shows this when I doubletap button 3

you can see that for some reason, button 3 doubletap does have actions for button 2 doubletapped actually listed. Albeit, crossed out and skipped.

I've found this bug and fixed it. Next release. Thanks for your patience.