Error 500 on OAUTH after 2.0 Update

After updating my hub to 2.0 I'm getting Error 500 when I try to auth my app using standard protocols. I have had this working for months in HousePanel and now I am getting this error. Has something changed that I need to do differently when using OAUTH2 ?

I'm using the standard OAUTH mulit-step flow that has been working for months.

tagging @bravenel and @patrick

I rebooted and tried refreshing my clientid and clientsecret and got same result. I also noted that even though I refreshed these the values didn't change.

I am still getting this error when authenticating using my local Hub IP number. When I change the authentication approach to the cloud using everything works fine, but then I loose local processing. When I use http://192.168.xx.xx which is my local IP it doesn't work. It returns the error above. Did the local OAUTH flow change?

Yes, it appears that this is broken with the new ui changes. We are looking into it now.

Thanks for letting me know so I can stop staring at my code wondering what I broke.

Would explain why I could not make it work either. I figured it was just me though...

I was able to authorize HP using the URL set as API Url, but even though I can successfully authorize all my devices and HP successfully saves hmoptions.cfg, it just stays at that page and never renders anything.

I do have CURL enabled.

Any thoughts?