After updating my hub to 2.0 I'm getting Error 500 when I try to auth my app using standard protocols. I have had this working for months in HousePanel and now I am getting this error. Has something changed that I need to do differently when using OAUTH2 ?
I rebooted and tried refreshing my clientid and clientsecret and got same result. I also noted that even though I refreshed these the values didn't change.
I am still getting this error when authenticating using my local Hub IP number. When I change the authentication approach to the cloud using everything works fine, but then I loose local processing. When I use http://192.168.xx.xx which is my local IP it doesn't work. It returns the error above. Did the local OAUTH flow change?
I was able to authorize HP using the URL set as API Url, but even though I can successfully authorize all my devices and HP successfully saves hmoptions.cfg, it just stays at that page and never renders anything.