Error 500 on every page

Continuing the discussion from Error 500: A Server error has occurred:

First of all, I totally understand your frustration. If you cannot access any page, that is a red flag that the database is corrupted. In that case a Soft Reset with restore will recover a good working database.

When you reach the point where the database is locked, it is probably too late to even figure out what caused it to get corrupted. Luckily, with Soft Reset, the hub comes back online and further screening of logs (immediately after reset) may show what device or app caused the problem. If logs are clear, then the problem that locked your hub in the first place is resolved. If logs show errors, then you have the chance to correct the problem (or disable the app or driver that is throwing errors to prevent another incident).

To disable an app or a driver, please see "Disable Device Drivers" and "Disable Apps" sub-headings in the following documents:

As far as Z-wave radio, we looked at your hub's error log and, as mentioned in previous tickets, we don't believe that you are dealing with a hardware malfunction, but rather a mix of issues that can only be addressed locally:

  1. It appears that you have migrated some stranded devices from previous hub >> if these remain in your network, you may need to reset the radio.
  2. The power/energy reporting on one or more devices is contributing to overloading your hub, that is already under stress from item #1 >> adjusting the reporting frequency may improve your experience.
  3. Performing repair while devices are unresponsive, at the edge of your network, or simply not available can and will make your network go unresponsive >> I suggest to refrain from running any repairs while you are dealing with the other 2 issues.

You can always PM if you have further questions or need any further assistance.