Error 404 - App type not found for namespace: Zooz and name: Zooz Garage Door Opener App

New to Hubitat after 10+ years on Vera. So far I really like it. I am getting the above error and do not know how to troubleshoot. Any suggestions?


This is not built-in, so you must be using custom code. Quite likely you added a parent app without the child app code. Re-visiting the installation instructions you (hopefully) followed should tell you what step you missed.

A quick search shows you were probably doing this, and the missing app name matches the child app exactly:

If you missed that, be sure you also didn't miss the driver. There are three pieces of code total, and two are apps and one is a driver (so that will be Drivers Code instead of Apps Code).


Thank you, that was it. All working well now.


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