Erroneous error

This problem in my log is for my C7 hub on platform Appreciate any info on why this appears in the log as an ERROR, yet the entry was made in the file.


What is app 3396?

Very strange - when I look at my past logs now that error is no longer listed.

It is still listed - and I cannot see a reason for the error. Success before and after the error.

Are you really on ?
If so, you need to update to current platform before a dev is going to look into it.

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It isn't that important - just wondering why that error would come up sometimes.

Yes, that is my platform version on my C7 workhorse. I hope to never upgrade my C7 as long as it keeps working. I have a C8 that I play with - and it's always up-to-date. I also have my original C4 and a C5 which I need to do away with.

And this should bring a few comments. I reboot my Asus Router 4x each day and my C7 at 4:15am every day. So far that has kept everything working. At 81 I don't mess with things that are working. LOL Thanks for the suggestion though.