Erratic Mode Manager

For last few weeks, some of my rules were not working as intended. Today I tried to investigated it further. It looks like that Mode Manager issue. Mode manager seem to be changing modes erratically . Here is why I think it so:

Current time is 7:45am but the mode manager is showing:

Looking up Event logs, looks like the mode changed to 'MorningPrep' at 7:03am

whereas it shouldn't have because of my MM definitions are as following for the 'MorningPrep'.

It should have changed to morningPrep at 6:30am being the earlier of the two times (Sunrise was 7:07am today)

I have tried to disable the app but nothing changed. It seems to stuck at 'MorningPrep' mode. I even trying to change the mode MorningPrep to trigger in the evening (see below) but that didn't work either. Stuck!! I don't want to delete the mode because it is used in bunch of rules!

Not that it explains what you are seeing but Evening says it's "Earlier of two times, Sunset -90 minutes or 5:30 AM on Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat

Seems weird that Evening would be 5:30 AM and it conflicts with your MorningPrep rule so maybe that is confusing it?

Thanks, I had changed the evening settings just before taking the screenshot - it was set to 6:01pm. I guess when I changed it to 5:30, I messed up AM/PM.

Fixed it.

Easy to not see the forest for the trees sometimes when debugging these.

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I deleted the Mode Manager app and recreated the rules. Looks like it's now skipping 'MorningPrep' altogether'....

Here are timings in the app: