Enbrighten switch requires multiple physical encounters

So I have a strange situation which I cannot figure out how to address. I have an Enbrighten switch which I use to turn on/off another Enbrighten switch with a simple rule (if switch 1 is turned on then turn on switch 2).

The issue is to get switch 2 to actually turn on it may take 2 or 3 on/off cycles of switch 1 to get this to occur. This set up worked when I initially set it up, but began failing a few months back. Any ideas how to resolve?

I have a C7 hub running

Can't help, but Z-wave?
My Enbrighten Z-wave switches have been good.

Turn on logging for the devices and the rule. Post the logs.

Also post the relevant time period from the event history on the device that is not turning on like it should.

Yes. They are z-wave. I have several without issue. I have had several Enbrighten version 1 switches have a transistor blow and require replacement, but thatโ€™s another thread.

what driver are you using .. I found that this one seems to work better.
GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Smart Switch

It doesn't take much to screw up a z-wave mesh; just one misbehaving device, in my experience.
My go to move is to do a graceful hub shutdown, remove power, re-power after maybe 30 seconds.

are they z-wave or z-wave plus switches? can you list the model? and the rule you're using?

This isn't your "root cause," but rather than:

Trigger: Switch 1 Turns on
Action: Turn on Switch 2

you could change the Action to: While Switch 2 is off, turn it on every 4 seconds until it comes on (probably will want to only do like 10 attempts or something so you don't end up crashing your zwave radio)

I used to do this a lot when I had a somewhat weaker Z-Wave mesh and had some problem devices. I don't really have those problems any more, but it's a band aid you could try.

You could try it with the Mirror app or Switch Bindings (in HPM).

Thanks all for input so far.

I do have the Enbrighten driver on the switches.

I installed the Switch Binding app. Still itโ€™s subjective if all switches come on or turn off. Should I try to adjust the millisecond switch response time in the Switch Binding app?

I have dozens of switches and all work with the exception of these 3. SO FRUSTRATING!

Probably not, but I apparently decreased mine to 1500ms. Iโ€™ve been using it for quite a while.
Maybe try doing a z-wave repair on the affected switches.

Sounds like a z-wave issue to me. I asked above for some logs which would help. Also you could post the entire z-wave details page (screenshots). We can review and give feedback on both.

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