ELK M1 Problems getting setup

I am new to Hubitat coming from UDI ISY.

I want to have a connection to my Elk M1 to Arm/Disarm and use sensors like door/window and motion status to have Hubitat turn lights on.

Not sure if I setup ELK correctly.

This is in the log files, and it just keeps repeating this.

Elk M1 Telnet is restarting...

Telnet connection dropped...

Elk M1 telnet Status error: receive error: Stream is closed

Looks like I was using the secure port..
And this app cannot use that. So now I have it working.

But I made 2 devices, and now I cannot delete the one that I don't want to use....

I have discovered the same issue using a C5 running platform version I have tried both 2.0.44 and 2.0.48 on the ELK M1XEP. I am using the non-secure port. Everything works pretty good, but I randomly get:

Elk M1 Telnet is restarting...
Elk M1 Telnet connection dropped...
Elk M1 telnetStatus error: receive error: Stream is closed

When this occurs I loose all messages coming from the ELK. The hub will eventually reconnect on its own. I have tested by connecting the hub and ELK on their own network to rule out network issues or conflicts. I am using Elk M1 Driver version 2.6 by Mike Magrann.

Looks like I got most ELK sensors to work to write rules around.

Now I want a rule to set the alarm at night.
I have no clue where to start?
Do I need to add an app?