Elevated and Severe Hub Loads with v2.3.4

Appreciate the kind offer. I was able to put together something similar.

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Can you PM me your hub id? I can check engineering logs, there may be some clues there.

Will do. I appreciate your response on this.

Just updated to, but 2 cents, my hub locked up and had to be forced rebooted yesterday on

That's the second time in the last month, but it's never had this issue in the 18 months I've had it prior.

Can you PM me the hub's UID? I can take a look at the engineering logs.

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@gopher.ny Would it be possible to look into adding something like this officially into the hub?

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Everyone’s performance envelope is different. Hubitat used to advise the c7 was good down to 80 MB free ram. However until the latest couple of firmware versions, my primary c7 was unreliable below 220 MB free.

That seems to have improved even more with the current version.

Anyway, my point is that Hubitat would need to make the reboot threshold user configurable.

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It’s very easy to use Rule Machine alone (no outside code required) with this rule:

I created a virtual switch to activate it that I share to Homekit and a Hubitat Dashboard. My low memory rule turns on this virtual switch as well. The hub that this exists on is delayed 10 seconds, which is probably way more than necessary, but has worked flawlessly for years, so it has remained.

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My JSON file above is an export from rule machine. Folk can just import it and off they go.

It does require Hub Information and Hub controller. Iirc the HTTP post option won’t work if you have hub security enabled.


Shouldn’t need the Hub Controller piece as Hub Information has the reboot embedded in it now.


Mine has now crashed 4 times in the last 3 weeks. And this is with me rebooting daily due to severe hub load alerts.

It is down right now as I type this.

HE’s main selling point for me has been stability which was fantastic until recently.

Having to script a system to reboot multiple times in 24 hours due to a resource leak?

Not why I bought HE or recommended it to others.

As a backup plan I ordered a Sonoff Zigbee stick and Si Labs Zwave stick to play with Home Assistant.

What do your logs and device/app stats say? Also maybe PM @gopher.ny your hub id so he can look at your engineering logs

I PM'd @gopher.ny a couple days ago with these screen shots and my Hub ID - haven't heard anything back so far.

As for stats - Nothing interesting at all - here is my most recent example:

Homebridge is getting hit hard... Definitely would send @gopher.ny your hub id

Is 93% of busy even important? I thought the % of busy column would always sum to 100%. Since % of total is only 0.083 - meh? Total app load is 0.1%.

If Homebridge "hogged" 69 seconds of CPU time over 23 hours and 24 minutes, it doesn't seem extreme to me. Unless the way you read Hub stats is radically different from other operating systems, I don't really see a problem here.

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I'm just thinking it's devoting resources...

All apps combined are using one tenth of one percent over this period. Help me understand why that's an issue.

I'm just seeing things like this chew memory... Seeing if there is a pattern. Gopher.ny has been chasing this...He might have some deeper insight than I do,,,(he probably does lol)

So I occasionally had the severe load issue pop up on my hub, and it seems that those problems went away after I disabled Homekit integration.

Just to put more perspective on this, performance metrics are a tricky thing. It would be nice if it was as simple as if my data shows less them 100% utilization i have headroom, but that isn't exactly the case all the time. Work loads can be spikey and show usage that I is not representative of the overall health of a platform.

That should be use more as a guideline that is suggestive to what the health is and not a bible. It speaks really to only the cpu as it is tracked by that tool. If it isn't granular enough issues can be hard to see.