"the flare was the brightest and biggest type of its kind--big enough actually to cause a brief radio blackout on Earth. Coastal communities along the Atlantic Ocean were among those affected."
HE may have hiccuped but cell phones or anything with an antenna were out or glitchy.
I am an amateur radio operator. Generally, we love periods of high solar activity as the radiation activates some of the earth's atmospheric layers such that radio waves in the upper high-frequency (HF) range between 14-30 mHz reflect off these layers making long range transmission possible (up to 12,500 miles which is half the circumference of the earth).
However, solar flares are a different beast. The recent flare was classified as an X-class flare, the first such major flare recorded for Solar Cycle 25. The last major flare was recorded in 2017 during Cycle 24. That one was even stronger than the flare this weekend.
The flare erupted on the sun at 14:29 UTC (GMT) on July 3, 2021. Travelling at the speed of light, the flare arrived at the earth about eight minutes later. Because of the timing, the greatest impact of the flare was over the Atlantic Ocean, Western portions of Europe and Africa, and Eastern portions of North America and South America. The X-rays produced by the flare ionized the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere and even altered the earth's magnetic field for a brief period. Then as quick as it came, it was gone.
"Solar Flares" is what the government propagandist want you to think is causing this so as to hide the fact that this is actually weapons testing by alien invaders (who have already infiltrated the ranks of these false-message-spreading government scientist). Don't be fooled. And prepare to welcome your alien overlords. Oh, and breath out during the probing.
I remember back in the late 80s at the peak of cycle 22 I worked Ireland from Rhode Island on 10m CW with a half a watt and a 10m monoband yagi at sea level. I could have used a wet noodle and still gotten a 599. It's always fun calling CQ with a /QRP after your call. Almost as good as /MM, though obviously that was never with a yagi!
"prepare to welcome your alien overlords."
Ok, but is anyone working on an automation for that? perhaps something in RM where we can all put on a "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" Light and music show? /s
got it, the overlords are HE users...cool but, with all their tech you think we would be further ahead in Hub development, they must be holding out on us! damn aliens
Are "alien detectors" available? Are they Zigbee or Z-wave or WiFI devices? Do we have device drivers that allow them to work with Hubitat? Do these devices Matter? So many questions, so little time.