Ecowitt Gateway Recommendation

I'm looking at adding some devices to monitor the moisture in the lawn, plant beds and house plants. The WH51 looks to be the best device for the job as I can't find a worthwhile native Zigbee or Z-Wave equivalent device.

My question is whether the GW-1100 is perfectly adequate (it's cheap) or whether I should pay the few bucks extra for the GW-1200. I could not really distinguish between the two in terms of capabilities.

Is there any reason to consider the GW2000 if I'm not getting into the whole weather station thing?


I've been happy with my GW1100 and AFAIK there are no known problems with it... But for a more informed opinion you could try this forum.


It looks like the 1200 has some other things to allow it to link to control devices as well as sensors, making it kind of a mini smart hub kind of thing. If all you're doing is linking some of their RF sensors, the 1100 will be fine. I have one that was connected to my Home Assistant setup for a long time, as it was rock solid. I only stopped using it because I wanted a project and decided to build a bunch of ESP32 based sensors and use ESPHome instead.