Ecolink ZIGBEE Motion Sensor

That is what I was thinking. Although the SmartThings device page for it says it is adjustable too... Might pair it to a ST hub and see what options there are. If there, could sniff it out that way.

Or I'll just go back to my zwave plus version I have that IS jumper selectable, and live with it being slower. :man_shrugging:

That would be awesome.
That's exactly what I did to fetch the Hue motion sensitivity settings that we implemented.

Here's an interesting answer I got back on this. Haven't tried it yet, but I will tonight.

"You use any magnet (not supplied) and touch it to a spot marked on the outside of the case. When you do that the LED blinks 1 time for 85lb pet, touch the magnet again and it blinks twice for 40lb pet, touch magnet again and it blinks 3 times for no pet immunity.

If I remember correctly, you have to do the magnet during the 1 minute that the LED is blinking rapidly right after powering on."

Wow, ok that's obscure...

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Well, if the magnet thing is true, I couldn't get it to work. Maybe it doesn't apply to Xfinity models, or maybe it takes a special sequence to do it. But I tried a dozen or so ways, and never saw the lights do anything different.

Oh well.

For the record, I picked up one of the Ecobee zigbee motion sensors, and on that model you CAN adjust sensitivity by putting a magnet in a specific location while it is in reboot/initialization mode.

As you do it the red led will blink.

3 blink = 85 lb pet immunity
2 blink = 40 lb pet immunity
1 blink = no pet immunity

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