Ecolink Z-Wave Plus Door sensors become non-responsive

I have 7 of these, and they're all exhibiting the same behavior. No problems getting them to pair, and the first few open/closes are great. Leave them alone for a few hours and eventually they stop responding altogether. I have numerous wired repeaters.

I've been excluding with a minimote, so I know they've been fully zeroed out. I've been repairing the network. They pair as Generic Z-Wave Contact Sensor. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. These are supposed to be supported, yeah?

I have 9 of those - i needed brown contact sensors - and I have no issues

I do use the Generic Z-Wave Contact Sensor driver as well so they do work under some scenarios at least

I'm probably speaking too soon. I'm just about done migrating all my devices, so I'll wait til everything's online before troubleshooting. They've been behaving today so far. Will continue to monitor.

best of luck -- may the iot gods smile on you

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