Ecolink Water/Freeze sensor, how to stop freeze alert

I have the Ecolink Water/Freeze sensor: Ecolink Z-Wave Plus Indoor Flood / Freeze Sensor FLF-ZWAVE5-ECO - The Smartest House
The driver I am using is this one:

I have it in the garage where it gets COLD. It keeps alerting me that it is freezing, great, I know it. I need it just for the leak alert. I don't see anyway to deactivate freeze alerts. In fact, I see nothing on the device screen about freezing. Any suggestions? Thanks

You have to have a rule setup to send you these alerts don't you? I don't have one of these sensors, but I didn't see anything about any kind of speaker or alarm on the device, So turn that off.

I don't have one to test... but have you tried:
Change the Driver Type to "Generic Z-Wave Water Sensor" hit configure and see if it gets rid of the temp readings.

What alert are you getting? Log files, to your phone etc