[2.2.4] Automations using Ecolink (and other battery powered) sensors delayed or unresponsive

Because all its successors are broken?
edit: I see no urgency.

Things working great again this morning on 2.2.3... what information do we need to share in order to get this looked at further?

To be clear, I too believed zwave was most stable on 2.2.4 so far... this still does not explain what we're seeing with this issue.

New personal best: :infinity:
Opened the basement door and lights just never turned on.

When you know the delays are happening with your automations, can you see changes in other zwave devices? Example: if you open and close another door with a contact sensor, do you see the open and close states update in real time? My non-technical theory is the C7 is still seeing / receiving zwave traffic but isn't able to send when the delays are occurring.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: [] Woke up to Slowwwww world - delays & non-responsive

I'm not convinced it's isolated to ecolink contacts, but I understand your point.

Not going to lie: getting the feeling no one wants to understand this any better.

How about you just sweep it under the g damn rug?

Really?.. I ordered and am testing ecolink contact sensors to try and isolate the issue.


100% appreciate that, don't get me wrong.

But at least I have mentioned seeing this strangeness on non-ecolinks as well. Many have proven the move back to 2.2.3 corrects the issue. Just seems like there's something more to this than just the ecolinks. If we're not providing the correct data, please correct us.

Any particular reason you are responding this way? Everyone is trying to be cooperative and @bcopeland has ordered sensors to test. This seems unnecessary. Please try to remain civil. No one said they were going to mute you, but the thread had run its course and the discussion didn't fit with the title that relates to a snapshot in time that is now past and no longer valid.

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You know, I've been having problems with my garage doors, and it just occurred to me, their tilt sensors are Ecolinks as well!

It’s possible.. But for sure limited to a few devices.. Of which we will test and try to find the cause..

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That's your opinion. The problem hasn't been solved.
Yeah the title: we're at .158 now, almost a month, and still no solution.
Totally valid.

I have like 10 ecolink sensors. Never had a hiccup. Most of them are still at 100% after 3 years too.

*edit nevermind I'm on C4s and C5s, so I'm useless here.

My experience aligns with your theory.

The open / close status continues to report correctly and quickly, but and resulting Z-Wave output becomes jammed. ie: the resulting automation is delayed and - while it's delayed - all other Z-Wave devices fail to respond. Once the automation "clears", everything runs smooth again. It's as if every time a contact sensor triggers an automation, Z-Wave output locks up for anywhere from 5-60'ish seconds.

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During the "delay time", if you manually toggle a z-wave switch NOT related to the automation, does its status update in hubitat (dashboard or device page)?

I'll check that when I return home. I can confirm that during the delay time devices not related to the automation don't respond, but I'm not sure if their status updates at all on their respective device pages. I can also confirm that - when monitoring the Z-Wave logs, it's only once the delayed automation fires that all other "queued" z-wave instructions for unrelated devices are transmitted.

This has always seemed like a key part of figuring out what's happening. I believe that folks who have reported the issue have been able to confirm via logs that the sensors are reporting promptly and accurately, but the automations are delayed or (less often?) don't run. Correct?

Correct in my situation.