Ecobee Premium with Air quality Monitor integration with Hubitat

I purchased the Ecobee Premium with Air quality Monitor with the hopes that I could integrate it to Hubitat and turn on devices based on air quality data. ie if CO2 levels reach "moderate" turn on Exhaust fan. I followed the ecobee integration instructions and see it listed in Apps in my hub, I can set up rules based on some available data but there is no mention in any of the templates which would allow me to see the VOC or CO2 levels.
Is anyone else having this issue? I am still rather new to hubitat and smart devices etc.
Thanks for any help!

If the VOC and CO2 attributes are being populated you should be able to the Attribute template in the dashboard to display. If it's a rules issue look under Custom Attributes.

The built-in integration doesn't include the air quality capability. I am not sure if there is a community integration that has the features you are looking for. Last time I checked, Ecobee wasn't including their new capabilities in their API.

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Thank you for your response. I did chat with ecobee support this morning and he told me this...."Unfortunately, ecobee thermostat premium for air quality does not yet have the capabilities to integrate with hubitat system. However, I would be happy to put one as a feature request. We would also like you to contact hubitat and ask them to work with us on this as well."
It doesnt really sound like what he is referencing is related to the data transfer through API, but not sure how hubitat support can help pull data that just isn't provided lol

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I am sure that where there is a will there's a way, if they really mean it. Please forward the email to and will see what we can do.

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I'm also hoping to get access to the Ecobee air quality data in Hubitat. I have confirmed that the Ecobee API returns the data in the /1/thermostat endpoint when requesting "includeRuntime": true in the payload. I don't have Ecobee Premium by the way. It's just returned in the API data for my thermostat, as so:

"actualVOC": 777,
"actualCO2": 616,
"actualAQAccuracy": 4,
"actualAQScore": 54

Is this feature request being tracked internally for addition to the built-in Ecobee integration and is there any update since May? Thanks

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