Ecobee Integration Question - current mode

I'm guessing their answer is staring at me, but I can't find it. I want to be able to turn off my HVAC while recording and then turn it back on when done. The problem is that I want to put the mode back to what it was before. If it was set to cool, set it back to cool. If heat to heat. I can't figure out how I can get the current mode, save it and then reuse it. Is this possible?

Seems to me that you could store the * thermostatMode : heat device's attribute into a RM variable and use it to reset?

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That totally worked. Thanks @KurtSanders

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I use "resume program" to get Ecobee back on track if I change its settings for some period. I turn on the fan and change temps for "cleaning."


Didn't know it existed. Thank you!

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