Ecobee hold temperature after changing fan setting

I created a Rule to switch on the fan for 15mn when temperature is over 25 degres outside.
But everytime the rule runs, it changes the requested temperature to the current one.
I tried to add resumeProgram() after switching back the fan to auto but it doesn't change the fact that it holds a new temperature.
is there a function to go back to the default ecobee settings ?

The Ecobee internal settings take precedent over their 3rd party integrations. You should be able to set up how your preferred 3rd party changes are handled within your thermost's settings.

But I thought that ResumeProgram() will have resumed my schedule. Which looks like is not the case.
Do you know if there is a way to change a value and then resume to the current schedule and temperature value ?

Go to Ecobee and set the thermostat to "until the next scheduled activity"

Yes that's my current setting. But as my next activity is at 10PM it means that just by switching on the fan for 15mn it will hold a new temperature setting for the day.
I was in the hope to have a way to reset back to normal

I just bumped into this same error. What's weird is I got it to work one time when experimenting by switching between using the option "FanOn" to "SetThermostatFanMode", but that had nothing to do with it because either option triggers the same problem again.

I set up a routine to run the fan if one room's temperature gets a few degrees hotter than the other.

Instead of the thermostat just displaying "Fan is Running" like what it would do if you turned on the fan from the thermostat, it instead behaves as if I've changed the thermostat temperature to the current temperature.

The fan does run, but it erases the previously manually set desired temperature. I already have it set to temporary hold, so it will go back to program eventually, but something's not working properly with the fan control any more.

For me, resumeProgram does bring it back to the schedule, but the fan stops running.

fanCirculate seems to do nothing, so any of the options just change the state thermostatFanMode - so I don't think there's any way for me to turn on just the fan via Hubitat that's working

Yes, I have the same issue and trying to do the same.

Here is my rule