Ecobee built in returns a different humidity value than ecobee app

I will post the screenshots as they say it all, the humidity values don't agree and it seems like they should. I chalked the temp difference up to a rounding error.



Could it be a timing thing....? Could there be some delay in getting an update from Ecobee causing the difference in the figures? Is there any scheduled jobs at the bottom of the Device Details page that could be a regular polling task? (I don't use Ecobee)


I don't see any jobs. could be timing but it seems like a large delta. If it is timing I would want to adjust the polling interval so I get more accurate data. Hoping someone has already seen this.

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Click the events button at the top and search for humidity and see when it was last updated. I would assume that attribute hasn’t been updated in a while.


@ritchierich you are right! So I guess my next question is how to adjust that? I wonder what causes it to update?

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Check to see if other attributes like temp are updating. I find it odd that just humidity is not updating. I don’t use the inbuilt ecobee integration any longer but when I did everything updated. You might try going to the app and reauthorize your account.


If I hit refresh it updates (so I think it's authorizing ok) but otherwise it does not seem like it is updating. It shows one update yesterday morning in the event log.

Hit the gear icon for the Ecobee Integration built in app. What is pollValue set to ? Is there a “poll” scheduled job?

Poll value is set to 5

I did just find this in the logs

app:202024-04-13 07:34:08.285 AMinfoException sending command: status code: 500, reason phrase: Internal Server Error, status:500, [status:[code:14, message:Authentication token has expired. Refresh your tokens. ]]

what is strange to me is that if I hit the refresh button in the device list it refreshes the data and does not post that error in the log.

There is no "poll scheduled job" I will see if I can figure out how to create one.

IIRC the ecobee authorization token expires after 15 minutes, so if there is no scheduled job to refresh it, it expires and you need to re-authenticate (see “manage login” in the Ecobee Integration app). Try changing the poll interval in the app and hit Done - that should force the job to be rescheduled.

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I set it to 1 min, it was at 5 about 2 hours ago and relogged in. It now seems to update in the device list that the last activity was 1 minute ago so I feel like it's checking in with the thermostat. Now I need to wait for the temp or humidity to change. There is now the scheduled job below which was about 20 minutes in the future when I screenshot it. I assume that's the timeout job? What resets it?

Nah, that’s a scheduled job on the child device which turns off debug logs after something like 30 mins usually.

I am talking about the scheduled job in the parent app, which you can see at the bottom of the app settings page, which you can access via the gear icon next to the “Ecobee Integration” app.

Just be aware that the ecobee server can throttle if too many calls (can’t remember what is the limit).

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Ok thanks it looks like that polling job is there now too.

I'm going to set the polling time back to 5 minutes which was the default, I had it set at a minute to debug.

Thanks for the help!


As an FYI to anyone reading this later, I set it back to 5 minutes and then it no longer polled the device nor was there a scheduled job. I had to go back into the Ecobee integration in the Apps menu and click on "Manage login" it then reset the polling schedule. Seems like a trap but that appears to work.

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