Ecobee acquired by Generac




Well at least Generac is a North American company, and this keeps data away from the giants ….


True. But makes me think a local API for Ecobee (which already exists, they just refuse to share it) is probably never going to happen now. Generac won’t care about the home automation community.


I would agree. And that is a shame.

I hope Generac can solve their API issues and open it up for local control like they give Apple HomeKit users. Ecobee current business model is non-sustainable and had a large layoff last year. They pushed big into building management and that is one of Generac area of expertise.


Another one bites the dust.

I used Ecobees in two properties we've now sold. Decent. Not nearly as easy or reliable as my GoControl units with Hubitat, although they did have humidifier control built in.

Generac does provide an API for their PWRview device which was acquired like ecobee. So, I would say their is hope on the horizon for the ecobee. I looks like Generac just took the existing API (previous owner of PWRview) and just changed things to look like its owned by Generac.

However, Generac has the generator data on lockdown, no API at all. And their app doesn't provide anything other than gen is running or not running. Kind of stinks for the techie people that like to see/control things based off that data.

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Generac also acquired the energy monitoring device manufacturer, Neurio, two years ago. Not sure exactly how well that has proceeded - but I don't think Neurio monitors are available for sale anymore.

And there's no third party integration with their app... not even IFTTT. I have my transfer switch hard wired to a zwave contact sensor.

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They are sold under Generac name now. Their new PWRview transfer switch includes the PWRview capability and it works fine.

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The open source project Genmon is great! You should look into it. It even has a (basic but usable) community driver in Hubitat to display status. Brian mentions his driver in post 28 in this thread. Home Backup Generator - Reporting?


Ecobee already supports local control via HomeKit though? I've had mine setup that way in home assistant for a long time.

Or do you mean something else and I'm not understanding?

HomeKit has exclusive access to local API right from the thermostat and push notifications. Everyone else has to use cloud and polling. I am hoping that Generac would remove that restriction and I can end my dependency on their cloud services and get some real time access.

I think the fact that generac owns them makes this very unlikely. What do they have to gain from enabling this? They want data for their cloud.


Gotcha. I thought you were saying there was no homekit option for Ecobee - which obviously there is. Fairly easy to connect ecobee to home assistant with homekit controller and get local access.

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This. After removing my ecobee thermostat almost two years ago (and giving it away), I just got another ecobee to use with the Homekit controller component of Home Assistant and then Hubitat.

I'd go that route (because their cloud server gives new meaning to the word "sucks") but then Ecobee Suite wouldn't work for me anymore :frowning:

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I'm dragging us further off topic, but my experience has been the local controls are extremely limited compared to what is offered in the Ecobee Suite cloud integration. Is this your experience as well? For example, I use the "Comfort Settings" in the ecobee and can activate them using ES. In home assistant I don't have access to this feature.

Either way, I'm hopeful that Generac at least won't break what is working right now. And best case, they'll follow through on their claim that they want to build an entire ecosystem around home energy... and that ecosystem will allow 3rd party integration.

Think about how hard Generac is advertising their solar solutions, backup generators, and other energy products right now on the internet and TV. I would say last night I saw at least 5 of their solar commericals between YouTube and TV. Costco and BJ's Warehouse push their products every time they send a mailer out and Generac occasionally have their representatives in their stores. They are or are becoming a public brand name that customers recognize and Ecobee brings a lot for them to their ecosystem. I will say I know at 4 families here in my neighborhood that have their products and both my mother-in-law and brother-in-law have backup gas generators from them. Unlike home alarms, cable and ISP complaints I never heard anything negative about them.