Echo and Echo Speaks App Errors

Yes, or at least I think that I have. Sorry to be such a bother. I KNEW going down this rabbit hole would be frustrating. It was frustrating setting up ES in the first place. But I greatly appreciate the help.

Is it supposed to be here...

I am getting very sick and tired of this error when I attempt to login to the Amazon account.

Cannot POST /ap/cvf/approval/verifyOtp

This is what that page looks like for me. Not sure if it changes after you log into the Amazon or how it works exactly. Did you try turning ON the OTP/2FA as suggested above?


I don't get that page at all. Specifically the Server Management section. I contacted Amazon and asked them to remove ALL login code verification, email and phone. They just did that. So now I am going to try to install all of this again. Question : Can I completely delete ES from my hub and use your git to put the correct app code back on. OR, do I have to install ES, update, and then import your code?

My code is only the app, you need all the other original components. All you need to do is have it already installed and then edit the app code, replacing it with my custom code.

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Well, I think I was able to get things running. We will see how things are behaving tomorrow. I'm not sure, but I believe the hangup was the Amazon login code requirement. I will enable 2FA once I'm sure Echo Speaks is running properly. @jtp10181 , thanks for all of your help and for putting up with me!


Ok, I think ES is running properly now. But now all of my Echo devices in my webcore pistons are not found. I did not change their names. Any easy way to get those back without editing those pistons?

If you deleted the app and reinstalled it, the child devices would have been removed and re-created, so new devices IDs. You will have to reselect them in any automations.


Yah. This authentication phase just doesn't work!

I cleared all of the registered Alexa devices on Amazon: Manage Your Content and Devices

Logged in using the tab in Hubitat:

Get the Authetication Good! message:

Close the window and the app still says I need to login...

The app is just not storing the token for Alexa for some reason.

This happens.if your callback url is incorrrect.

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Thanks for the callback url tip. I changed it back to the original cloud URL and after a reset in the echo speaks app it connected.