Echo and Echo Speaks App Errors

Any thoughts as to the source of the error. I'm getting them about every 10 minutes.

408 is a server busy so probably Amazon being Amazon, it should clear itself eventualy, but you could go into Echo Speaks and attempt to do a manual login to Amazon if it bothers you.


Funny, I noticed a glitch in my Echo Dot responses last night around 6 pm. That's when this error started appearing in my logs. You are probably correct.

I don’t believe it’s something inherent. My ES cookie refresh server (local on a Raspberry Pi) last refreshed 9 hours ago, just keeps chugging along, no errors.

I agree with @thebearmay . How is your cookie getting refreshed? Heroku? Local ES cookie refresh server?

Against popular opinion, I have stayed with Heroku, and really have not had any problems.

You might want to check your Heroku installation, then, to make sure it’s still running.

Unrelated to the other error . To me looks like your connection to the cloud was down and your cookie refresh failed hence the auth errors.

Heroku logs

Yep just as i said this shows failures.

I rebooted my hub. Let's see...

Nope, still getting the log error. Ran some webcore pistons that use Echo Speaks. Worked perfectly. Hmmm.....

Cookie normally tries to refresh after 5 days, but its actual expiration is usually at least double that.

Still getting this error. But my ES seems to be working properly. Should I be troubleshooting more?

OK, let's start fresh. I am still getting the above warning. What would you guys do, from the start, to address this warning?

408 is a server busy which should eventually clear itself. If it doesn't you can go into the app, click Clear Login information and then click the button to login into Amazon. That should allow it to grab the cookie and refresh the app.

I am still getting continual errors. Any thoughts?

Thanks again for your assistance.

Your cookie server is offline or not reachable.

Also, there is an update for the app that just got posted today I think, update through HPM.

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The app update changed nothing as it pertains to the errors I am seeing:

How or where do I address:

You setup a cookie server for it at some point, where did you set it up? On Heroku? Read the documentation.

Here is my guide for setting up the server: [GUIDE] Echo Speaks Server on Docker (or without)


Tried that. I get this...

Then I click on the GOTO LOGIN PAGE and get...