Easy dashboard thermostat

Runs when you save preferences.

Thanks @thebearmay , I wasn't sure if it also ran on device handler update. So @stueyhughes you definitely will need to press save preferences after updating DTH.

This is fabulous and mega appreciated @cjcharles. Just one observation if you can help. The thermostat can only be adjusted in whole degrees. I've been using the HE+ dashboard which allows 0.5 degree adjustment. Can you alter this with your code or is it a HE function?

Ah yes, I added support for it, but basically rounded the number as the Heatmiser API only accepted integers. From a quick google their API does now seem to support 0.5 increments so will do some testing of that.

Yeah heatmiser have supported 0.5 increments for a good year now. :+1:

Hi all,

Having the same issue with the 'Generic Z-Wave Plus Thermostat' driver.

What now ?