Easy Dashboard issues

I've got a couple issues with Easy Dashboard. If I'm missing something, please let me know.

First of all, unless I expand the tile to twice the width, I don't see the full label. Usually the first 3-5 letters. So it makes it hard to even tell what it is.

Second issue is with a temp/humidity sensor. For temp, it spells out temperature (in all lower case at that), unless I have it as single width, then it says "perature...". But for humidity, it just shows the number without what the number is. I know it's % RH, but can that be added back in? And be able to eliminate the word Temperature?

And the last thing (at least for now) is I have a graph on one dashboard, but it won't show up on the easy dashboard. I get the red square with the :frowning: .

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Are both dashboards EZ dashboard? Or is one dashboard EZ dashboard and the second another dashboard? On the same device? Two different devices?

I have a dashboard that has been copied to EZ dashboard. The original dashboard will show the graph, but the EZ dashboard will not. Yes, it's for the same device.