Easy dashboard as a "portal"?

I am wondering if it would be possible, and make sense, to be able to use the dashboard section as a portal to other dashboards.

I know I could probably use embedding on the old style dashboards, but prefer to have most things collected in the same place.

My idea is to be able to create a "link" button in the dashboard section that opens a URL on the hub. For example to the built-in Zigbee link graph, 3rd partyWatchtower graphs or any other page like a custom HTML page in the file browser.

Ideally it would also be possible to visit this dashboard portal with an easy URL like ipaddress/dash or something like that.

Any thoughts on this idea?

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the EZ Dashboards allow you to hop from one dashboard to another but what i have found is all the customization you do on a dashboard is device specific. meaning. i setup the layout of the dashboard on one device and then when i go to another device the layout is all different. this kinda makes the dashboards useless to me unless i'm always using it from the same device.

Another issue is depending on the device the layout you choose will be visibly pleasing and not so good on another. ei. looks great on tablets but messed up on cell phones.

These dashboards are really only useful if you always use the same device to display the dashboard. IE a tablet mounted to the wall.

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I do agree on that. I see this in other types of dashboards as well, but the main thing would be to be able to have this as a portal to other dashboads. Ideally one would be able to create portals for different devices/resolutions.

I know I could probably create my own HTML file and stick it into file manager, but would prefer to reach all dashboards via one link/place.