Easy Dashboard and 6 Virtual Buttons

Hi Geniuses and thanks for reading this,
I have a C8 using version
I wish to display 6 virtual buttons in a cluster on Easy Dashboards. All appears ok until I press a button using a mouse and then it offers me a selection of "Push", "Double Tap", "Hold" etc.
My goal was to simply press a button to change air con / TV etc settings via an IR controller.
Any thoughts on removing the options and just press the button without question?

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Or, only offer those options dynamically -- if the device has had more than one push option configured elsewhere.

I just created a new 6 button virtual button. I then created a new Easy Dashboard and added the new Virtual Button. And exactly then same thing happens, see image. As soon as I click on any button if gives me options I don't want. I would like the button to "push" and only push when touched on a phone or clicked on my desktop. Any more ideas?

That isn't going to be a good test because the Virtual Button driver offers all button capabilities, including ones with the command for push, doubleTap, hold, and release. (A dashboard -- or any app -- has no way to know what you might have actually configured to happen in response to these events/commands. The above appears to be a proposal for something along these lines, not a statement of how it works.)

A better test would be a driver that implements only the minimum, push.

But I did just that and it looks like Easy Dashboard offers all button commands regardless of what capabilities the driver implements. Something to put on @gopher.ny's list for the future, maybe.

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Same thing is happening to me have you found a solution?

I don’t think there is a solution until they make a “simple” virtual button driver

Unless something has changed from my test above (I haven't tried this again, just not aware of any changes), the driver isn't the issue. You can already make a button driver (virtual or not) that only implements "PushableButton." The issue is that Easy Dashboard lets you choose any command, even if it's not one the driver has.

Thanks for the clarification Bert.
That is why you are an ambassador and we are but virtual users. :orangutan: