For those that are interested in creating a floor plan of their house, you should check out CubiCasa. You literally walk around your house with your phone and it draws the plan. Seriously cool. A basic plan image is free, but you can pay for upgrades to get a CAD plan or other add-ons.
(Not my house, but this is the quality of plan we got back.)
My degree is in architecture and I can't tell you how many times I've drawn a floor plan by first taking a couple hours to walk around a building with a clipboard and a tape measure to field measure everything, to then go back to my desk to bang it out in CAD. I wish we had this 30 years ago.
I don't have any affiliation with this service. I'm just impressed.
haha No worries. My wife tried it. She's in the real estate industry (MLS side, not agent side) so they were testing it out. As far as I know, she chose the PNG version. I'd be more interested in the easily editable SVG, though...
You create a complete video walk-through of your house (detailing all the contents) and upload it (along with your address) to their website. What could go wrong?
I'm also impressed - if it works. Back about 24 years ago I had an idea for similar software and wrote up a description of how it would work (using a video walk-through as input, to detect walls/surfaces, etc). But I had no significant background in image processing and no way to execute on it. And the mobile input device didn't exist yet (camera with good GPS and axis sensors).
I've been waiting for someone to create something that does what I dreamed of. This might be it.
Yeah, I caught that, too. Seems weird they'd need the whole address. If you don't use the address, I'm sure the video could just get geotagged. My robot vacuum also maps my house and I assume uploads it to the a server in China, but at least it doesn't take pictures of my solid-gold toothbrush (that I know of).
The address part did creep me out a bit. I have location turned off on my phone camera and pretty sure that I could use a bogus address. The example video mostly showed them tracking where the floor meets the wall, so they will mostly see pet toys in our house.