DSC Integration?

Continuing the discussion from List of Incompatible Devices:

(Hi everyone, long time lurker, first time poster; be gentle :slight_smile:)

I second Patrick's idea too, of having direct integration between Hubitat and the EnvisaLink. I believe the EnvisaLink has its own mini-server and API, so hopefully it's doable.
Has anyone made any progress or got it working via the old AlarmServer method?


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Just saw the Hubitat and came to see if the Envisalink was supported. Going to keep an eye on this spot..

Week old HE newbie here - I echo the need for an app that can access the Envisalink API. I'm using the DSC Integration app on ST to send HubEvents to HE and then to Homebridge. A bit of a delay, but at least working. Has anyone tried to port the ST DSC Integration app over to HE?

Newb here also, just ordered today. I will also need DSC/Envisalink integration. I have integrated Envisalink to Smartthings, so when I get the hub, I will likely be porting that integration over, as much as is possible.

I assume HE can receive posts to a URL, in such a case, I have a middle tier written in .NET core that can do that.

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Hi, I'm also curius how this is supported, any news since last year?

Check out Dougs driver and app. Works great for me.

DSC Envisalink

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